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"Change your Life" Lectures by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan

This note was actually for my own because I always feel the need to write when listening to the lectures. But then I found it useful to share it, so I hope this note also works for you guys :)

This lectures actual title is "Change your Life in 2020", I tried to search for a new one but haven't got it. But I still found this lectures beneficial in general, like ... whatever new year you're in. If you're not really interested to read, you might consider watch the lecture itself. You can watch the videos Over Here (Just click the link)

 So.. here we go~

*anyway, sorry if I post this note in English, since it's gonna be difficult when listening to the lectures while translating in my mind at the same time this note's written. ✌

Every one of us must success on our next year and think about "How to be a better muslim?"

There are 3 foundational areas to improve:

  1. Worship
  2. Knowledge
  3. Social Service
1. Worship
    -The quality of our worship
    -Has My Fajr Improve? Are we doing it on time?
    -Sleep Earlier to get the Fajr on time
    -Get your Qur'an in the morning
    -We talk about changing the world, but we can't even change our day.
    -If we can change our Day, then we can change our Year, then we can change our Life.
    -Goal: My mornings have to become more productive in terms of Worship.
    -The Qur'an has to be in your heart. You have to have a project of memorizing Qur'an as much as you can.

2. Knowledge
    - Separate Knowledge and Worship.
    - Because some people focusing so much on the knowledge and their worship is terrible. Then "What are you doing? What is the knowldege for?"
    - You have to be Educated Muslims, and my recommendation for you is by the end of the year at least you've studied a couple of things. You studied the sirah (the life of the Prophet) once, and you should do it every year once, and actually you should read a different sources of the sirah every year and the next few years.
    - You have to make substantial gain in your Qur'an. Make a goal that you're gonna try to memorize some or one surah, and study its tafseer, its translation, try to understand each of its vocabulary. Try to gonna consume it, this is ..... knowledge.
    - Worship and knowledge should helping the other, if your knowledge doesn't help your worship, I don't know if its real knowledge. 

3. Service (Serving humanity)
    - Set some time, whether its weekend, once in a month, you have to do some kind of service, meaning to help people.
    - It will bring you closer to Allah.

We have to learn to start thinking Big.
You do these 3 things and you've at least met the foundations of goals to new great things in life.
But the barakah, the blessings will come when the foundations I talked about (3 things before) is already there. 
He (Allah) will not let you become a materialist and a greedy capitalist.

~Thank you for Reading, Barakallahu lakum :)


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