The teory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) says that human beings are smart in many ways. The teory, which was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner -a professor of education at Harvard University-proposes eight types of intelligences in children and adults. The intelligences are: 1. linguistic intelligence(word smart);speak, write, express oneself in words 2. logical-mathematical intelligence(number-reasoning smart);use number, logic, make calculations. 3. spatial intelligence(picture smart); draw, paint, use graphs and maps, find different routes to a place 4. bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (body smart); coordinate muscles, do sports, use body language 5. musical rythmic intelligence (music smart); be musical, hear and produce intonations and rythms. 6. interpersonal intelligence (people smart); talk with and understand other people, communicate well with others. 7. intrapersonal intelligence (self smart); know oneself, feel confident, be able to analyze oneself 8. naturalist intel...
Life notes into words, Words speak into Life