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Your heart need a break

Being kind to yourself is a process, You've lived under people expectations over years, And those conditions not frequently making you wounded and leaving a scar. But afterall, life is never fail to give you lessons. So now, time for you to be healed, not to forget your wound, but to accept and thank them. Thank them for the lesson you've learned, just so you will address a merciful future life. Indeeed, there are no guarantee that you won't experience a painful event anymore. But hey... a strong heart always need an exercise to level-up, isn't it? _2021, February 12th_ (copyright image :
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Let go doesn't mean give up

Never regret something you couldn't get, Every single person has their own journey, Learn to let go and convince yourself that you're going on the right way. Not because you give up on it, but simply because you deserve what's best for you. And sometimes, what's best for you doesn't come from something you want. _08022021_ 

"Change your Life" Lectures by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan

This note was actually for my own because I always feel the need to write when listening to the lectures. But then I found it useful to share it, so I hope this note also works for you guys :) This lectures actual title is "Change your Life in 2020", I tried to search for a new one but haven't got it. But I still found this lectures beneficial in general, like ... whatever new year you're in. If you're not really interested to read, you might consider watch the lecture itself. You can watch the videos Over Here  (Just click the link)  So.. here we go~ *anyway, sorry if I post this note in English, since it's gonna be difficult when listening to the lectures while translating in my mind at the same time this note's written. ✌ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Every one of us must success on our next year and think about "How to be a better muslim?" There are 3 foundational areas to improve: Worship Knowledge So...


image credit: 1001font In the depth of darkness,  The scattered mind, Sometimes I'm trying to ask myself "Is it right?" "Is it wrong if I'm doing it?" "Am I that brave to do it ?" "Am I really worth to get it?" Time goes by, But those questions still there, Ignored, Remain unanswered. I try to look forward,  Convincing myself, "It's okay, just hold on and moving forward" "Maybe you'll find your answer one day" Day by day,  Month by month, Year by year, Those questions still there, Ignored, Remain unanswered. Once again, I repeat myself, "It's okay, maybe not now... another future awaits" Saying this thing over and over again while waiting... Those nonanswer questions. (c) Yogyakarta, 2019 August 25th

Review : Etude House Hyaluronic Acid Sheet Mask

Assalamu'alaykum こんにちは! Setelah tahun 2018 kemarin khilaf sok sok an mau bikin 50 postingan review, dan ternyata tidak tercapai (haha yaiyalah ngga realistis), ditambah hecticnya aktivitas kuliah mapro, belum lagi males dan writer block-nya, makaa... baiklah.. Tahun ini target postingan di minimalkan drastis menjadi 12 postingan sajah kalau begitu ya! Postingannya pun tidak harus review, karena saya merasa terlalu sempit sekali cakupannya rasanya kalau blog ini hanya untuk sekedar diisi dengan review saja. Selain itu, platform media sosial lain seperti inst**ram sepertinya lebih oke kalau sekedar untuk menulis review. Sebetulnya, bahkan kalau dilihat masih ada hutang postingan tahun kemarin yang belum tertulis, yaduu~h tolong yang waktu itu request kalau masih ingat saya ditagih boleh yaa~khawatirnya lupa ngga ketulis-tulis. Baiklah, mumpung libur dan bisa menyempatkan nulis, so... Here we go~ Postingan pertama di bulan pertama di 2019 ini dibuka dengan r...

Sheet Mask Review: Images Meng-Shi-Tai Kiwi Fruit Moisturizing Mask

こんばんは! Postingan kali ini (dan mungkin beberapa postingan lagi selanjutnya) sepertinya akan dipenuhi dengan review sheet mask. Why? Karena ceritanya, tadi pagi saya baru beberes loker di kamar, niat ingin mencari buku-buku literatur untuk bahan tulisan saya selanjutnya, lalu saya menemukan tumpukan sheet mask yang sudah kosong. (Nggak tumpukan juga ding, orang cuma 4). Lalu, sempat galau ini masker-masker yang sudah kosong mau saya satukan reviewnya jadi satu postingan atau masing-masing satu postingan. Setelah dipikir-pikir, akhirnya saya putuskan saja review satu-satu. Biar lebih oke gitu, kesannya lengkap. *ceileh Toh, kalau mau dibuat satu postingan menjadi "sheet mask empties" gitu kan apa banget gitu orang cuma 4 doang. wahaha Alright... here we go! Brand : Images Product Name : Meng Shi Tai Kiwi Fruit Moisturizing Mask Netto: 30 g Made in : China Dokumentasi Pribadi PACKAGING & CLAIM Untuk segi packaging, masker ini cute git...

Low Budget Skincare Routine Product for Acne-Prone Skin

Akhirnya... setelah hampir dua bulan vakum menulis karena berhimpitan dengan beberapa aktivitas, akhirnya bisa kembali menulis lagi di blog kesayangan ini. Padahal list request tulisan sudah dari kapan menumpuk, tapi tak kunjung ada juga postingannya. Sampai mungkin teman-teman yang request sudah pupus saya PHP-in. Maafkan yaa~  Baik, tapi saya coba tulis saja ya... Semoga sedikit banyak bermanfaat..  Baiklaah.... masih ingat perbincangan di postingan  Skincare Investation  sebelumnya? *kalau belum baca, boleh silahkan klik link-nya ya!  Nah, kalau bicara soal skincare a.k.a perawatan kulit terutama untuk wajah, memang terdengar costly ya? Ohhoo~ kalau saya, iya banget... haha Tapi, seperti yang sebelumnya pernah saya bahas di postingan Skincare Investation... Afterall , skincare itu tidak sebatas buang-buang duit percuma seperti kalau jajan makanan yang sekali jajan langsung habis. Melainkan sebagai langkah investasi preventif dan kuratif ter...